hay mower造句

"hay mower"是什么意思   


  1. Despite loosing his two left legs in a hay mower accident 10 years ago, the dog returned to pastures where he somehow resumed his calling to corral cattle.
  2. Hay is harvested somewhat differently from grain; in modern haymaking, the machine that cuts the grass is called a hay mower or, if integrated with a cradles, followed by differing downstream steps.
  3. The Cheathams grew their own hay on nearby land for the operation and originally used a large herd of Belgian and Suffolk Punch draft horses to pull the hay mowers, rakes, baler, and wagons.
  4. Traditionally all such cutting could be called reaping, although a distinction between " reaping " of grain grasses and " mowing " of hay grasses has long existed; it was only after a decade of attempts at combined grain reaper / hay mower machines ( 1830s to 1840s ) that designers of mechanical implements began resigning them to separate classes.
  5. According to another, but unsourced, account, insofar as differences are material : Elinore was born at Fort Smith, Arkansas; spent most of her childhood in Indian Territory; her schooling ended when her teacher was lynched; her parents died when she was 14 years old; after her first husband's death and the birth of Jerrine, she trained as a nurse and worked at a hospital in Burnfork while in her spare time writing articles for the " Kansas City Star "; found work in Denver as a cook; in 1926, suffered serious injuries from which she never completely recovered, when a horse bolted and she was run over by a hay mower.
  6. It's difficult to find hay mower in a sentence. 用hay mower造句挺难的


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  7. "hay on wye festival"造句
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  10. "hay petrie"造句

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